
The Gaelic Society of London

"lean gu dlùth ri cliù do shinnsir"

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Membership of the society is open to everyone. You don't have to be a Gaelic speaker, though if you are interested in learning Gaelic, we can certainly help you with that.

Membership costs £10 per person per annum. Your membership fee supports the society and its aims, as well as entitling you to advance booking and reduced entry fee for our events.

In addition, members are eligible to join the UCL library as "Learned Society members" and to borrow books through their "Click and Collect" service. In order to join the library, please go here. At present, only online applications are possible.

To join the library you will need a Gaelic Society of London membership card:
  • Life members of the society are requested to contact the secretary to get their membership card.
  • Former annual members whose membership has expired are invited to renew their annual membership by clicking the button below.
  • New annual members are invited to join the Society by clicking the button below.


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Copyright © 2024 The Gaelic Society of London - www.comunnlunnainn.co.uk
Established in 1777, The Gaelic Society of London is a registered charity in England & Wales.
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